Thursday, January 19, 2012

The Daily Battle: From Couch Potato to Gym Rat

The biggest challenge for my new lifestyle is that by day I'm a writer/editor for a TV website. As a TV critic, I have to watch upwards of 80 hours of television a week. Yes, 80. And that's probably underestimating by a little bit. I do get to watch a lot of it during the day at work, and thanks to the magic of DVR I can skip through the rehashed moments of The Bachelor and all of the previously ons that exist. But I do love my job, even though it means that my workouts have to happen at some really peculiar hours.

My yoga instructor always jokes on Thursday nights that she wants us to focus and remember why we are there instead of home watching Project Runway (her reality show of choice). I just think about how while I'm at a yoga class that runs from 9-10 PM, I have my DVR (at home and the office) working overtime to grab not only Runway, but multiple other shows. And when I get home, I've got to stay up to watch several shows that I only have room to tape at home, so that I can watch the others the next morning. Could I skip late night yoga and just sit and watch my shows and get to bed before midnight? I could, but I love the way my power yoga class makes me feel, so sacrificing an hour or two of sleep is a small price to pay.

Other days of the week, I watch TV at night, and get out for my morning runs (usually at least two times during the week), its usually about 5:30/6 AM. And yes, all you over protective moms out there, I do have a reflective strap that I wear.

I was always one of those people who said that I didn't have time to workout. I couldn't possibly do it, but I think for me it is all about desire. I really want to be in shape, get healthy and be able to do all of the adventures I want. In order to do those things, I've got to put in some hours doing the work... otherwise my progress will halt to a standstill. So I just keep motoring on, still watching a lot of TV and getting my workouts in at the same time. Do I actually have the time with my work and kid and commute? Probably not, but I've found a way to juggle my craziness.

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