Tuesday, March 12, 2013

March Madness - Day 11 & 12: Failure, Bounce Back and Teaching the Next Generation About VHS Tapes

The continued challenges of my "March Madness" quest to exercise every single day in the month

So Day 11 was my breaking point of the month. I was hoping it would be closer to Day 21, but while I didn't get any proper exercise in, I am still determined to get as close to 31 workouts in the month as I can. Monday's are always really tough for me schedule wise, and physically, my muscles were just not cooperating. It was a mean old double whammy.

I got home late on Sunday and got up early to do work. I was working from home so that I could take Isabel and her friend to their Girl Scout field trip in the afternoon, so there was really no option to sleep in. It was really cute to watch them traipse around a local farm, trudge through the mud and plant marigolds in a greenhouse. Then we came back here with her friend. Then it was time for homework, dinner and bed (for her). Then I had to watch the finale of The Bachelor for work. That three-hour extravaganza took me until close to midnight to finish watching.

I was going to try and make an effort to do the elliptical after that, but my quad muscles were screaming at me. I tried to work it out with the foam roller (yes, at midnight), and then did a few sit-ups, but every time I laid down, I was fighting the urge to close my eyes and get some sleep. I keep reading that sleep is almost as important in weight-loss as diet and exercise. And so until they find a way for me to do sit-ups or walk on the elliptical in my sleep, I guess I am stuck taking a few hours to actually lay down in bed.

This morning I got up at 5:30 to work again, and then took her to school and headed to work, but I told The World's Cutest Personal Trainer that she had better give me a good workout tonight. So while she worked on her homework in my bedroom, I did a series of crunches and sit-ups. Then I asked her what kind of exercising she had planned, and she picked Pilates.

I had found in the back of my closet this beginner's Pilates kit that I've had forever and never actually used. You want to know how old this kit is? The instructional video is on VHS. VHS!?!?! Isabel was highly interested when she that I had to use the VCR side of my DVD player (it is one that transfers VHS to DVD). She was confused by me having to actually fast-forward through the commercials, instead of just chapter skipping, and couldn't quite get why the tapes were so big.

So we gave Pilates a whirl. It wasn't exactly the most physically demanding Pilates tape on the planet, but we did a few yoga poses afterwards to round things out. The World's Cutest Trainer kept checking the screen and looking at me to make sure I was using the proper form. She's good like that. She even decided to give me kisses when I did something right. Kisses from my 7-year-old? That's pretty good incentive to keep moving.

So while this particular instructional video wasn't exactly great, we agreed that we'd find a new Pilates DVD next time we went to the store (perhaps one that was made in this millennium) and give the Pilates kit another shot at a later date. I'll mostly be happy that I don't have to spend 20 minutes trying to remember how to use the dusty old VCR.

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