Sunday, April 1, 2012

This Week's Exercise: Less Is Less?

So despite my crazy workout schedule, I'd been frustrated that I hadn't lost more than an ounce or two in over a month, and I'd gained a half inch of muscle in my arms. So on the advice of my weight loss consultant, I decided to cut back on weight lifting this week and only do some cardio. So my workouts for the week look a lot less intense than normal, but between that and a very strict and specific diet (still eating a lot of little meals, just less a lot less variety and no extra things), I actually lost three and a half pounds this week. FINALLY.

It's frustrating, because I actually really like weight lifting, and while I know that muscle is supposedly heavier than fat, I also know that having more muscle helps burn fat. So I know in the long run, muscles are a good thing, just need to lose more weight before I build too much more weight... I guess. So next week looks like more and more cardio.

Here was my very limited activity for the week.

Thirty minutes of elliptical machine.

Power yoga for an hour. Hard... as usual.

Spinning class for an hour. Man, sprints on the bike suck, but hopefully they'll help me with future triathlons.

Hiking with my daughter and her stepbrother. About three and a half miles or so, there were a couple of decent hills (though I picked a path that was good for kids), and the kids had a good time. Hiked for about two hours.

1 comment:

  1. Plateaus are the worst. Glad you broke through - you rock!
