Tuesday, March 5, 2013

March Madness - Day 4: Something Is Better Than Nothing

The continued challenges of my "March Madness" quest to exercise every single day in the month

Monday's are my hardest days logistically to get in a proper workout. I work early in the mornings, wake my kid up, get everything together, get her to school, head to the city for work and then rush home to get her to girl scouts. Add to the fact that it is cookie season and we had a delivery to make and some company (her uncle came over to pick up his order) and then bathtime and bedtime. By the time I get the house sort of settled, it is after 10 and then I have to be up early on Tuesday to work again.

This isn't a complaint or really an excuse. I love my time with my kid and I love my job. It is just that on certain days they both take up a great deal of my time (as they should) and finding even twenty minutes to work out before I pass out is a little bit on the challenging side. 

Still... I did a little bit. I squeezed in a bunch of sit-ups for five minutes when my groggy kid didn't want to get out of bed. It was like a snooze button of sorts. Then I had to carry a heavy bag of cookies about a mile across the city on my walk to work, which I'm counting, because carrying cookies and not eating them is a miraculous feat, especially when done while dodging tourists in Times Square.

And then walked the same route home, which even though it is my daily routine, still means that I get close to two miles of walking in every day, and that's not a terrible thing. And I made sure to take the stairs when that was an option. Running - even dashing a bit -  in and out of my apartment to get her girl scout vest and then back in and up two flights of stairs because my phone got forgotten in the car, did give me a little cardio boost.

My favorite "exercise" of the day was doing a few yoga poses with her Girl Scout troop as part of their learning about other culture badge. We did a butterfly pose (not as easy to do in skinny jeans as it is in yoga pants), a nice long child's pose and then worked on our trees. It wasn't my vinyasa power yoga, but the amount of laughing I did must have burned a few calories. And it probably didn't help me in my Tough Mudder quest, but hopefully it is making me a Cool Mother.

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